تعبير عن best friend بالانجليزي قصير لكافة الطلبة الذين يبحثون عن تعبير خاص بالصداقة وافضل صديق بالانجليزي ، فسوف يتم عرض الان افضل تعبير قد يبحث عنه الطالب لاستخدامه في دراسته .


افضل تعبير عن best friend بالانجليزي قصير

10 things must be available in the best friend, so we will explain these qualities below

   Do you know when you are asking for advice

There are times when you go to a friend to help you think about solutions for a particular problem. But other times you just need me to listen to you.

Does your friend know how to distinguish between one thing and another … or is directito launched to give you advice without you having asked for it?

   Do you propose that you do activities together

Relationships are reinforced when activities are shared . If your friend shows a total disinterest in this, badly we’re going.

Well, maybe he does not propose activities to you, but he does aim for the ones you plan. This is understandable, because not everyone has that willingness to take the initiative.

  Compare your problems with yours

Few things feel worse in a relationship than the fact that you are going to talk to someone about a problem that worries you and that person, because yes, it plays down: Your problem is bigger .

Caramba. You need me to pay you a little attention . It will be time to talk about his …

 Does it help you feel good about yourself

A friend sees the good that is in you and, when you forget, he remembers it. Or do not you do that with your friends?

Someone who loves you well tries to get the best version of yourself and takes care of you. If not, it is not your friend .

  Is it discreet

A friend knows how to keep secrets and deals discreetly with the delicate matters you tell him. If you trust him something and after a while he has published it all over the neighborhood or on his Twitter account, go pearl …

  Does he do what he tells you he is going to do

If you have stayed with something with your friend, how much less does he comply with his word , unless there is some compelling reason to prevent it.

Does he usually leave you lying down every second? If so, neither add points.

   Does he tell you things with tact

If there is a topic of conversation or subject in which you feel more vulnerable, a friend tries to tell you what he has to say so that he does not hurt so much. It is considered addressing the issue and choose the words carefully .

Honesty is not at odds with being careful whenever possible. Or do you prefer a “sincere” friend of this type ?: – You are getting so fat, that I am not surprised that no one notices you .

  Are you interested in important events in your life

A friend is interested in knowing how it was in that interview or in any other event that is important to you.

Do you usually remember those things? Do you ask about them?

  Do you maintain that interest even when you have to take care of your own

If your friend has an important issue at hand, such as your new relationship (for example), is he still looking for you from time to time ?

Well, it takes the same distance for a while, as long as it adapts to the change … and then it comes back. It would be different if it eliminated you indefinitely from your life. What a stick!

   Does it make you laugh

It’s not about being the Krusty clown, but about knowing or trying to put a smile in your life when you see that you need it, instead of “helping” you dig into the pit of bitterness.

In your case, I do not know. But I do have a lot to improve as a friend, especially when it comes to spending more time on friendship .

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